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A Blog by David Beck

Saturday 15 May 2010

Hello. I'm sorry I have not posted for a while. I thought I would post a little something from my dissertation (that I will now have to largley delete)

Social commentators have remarked that democracy has given us all it can, and with increasing reported cases of depression and anxiety, and as the great works of philosophy and the unknown are replaced by reductionist empirical science the meanings of life seems less attainable than ever before, and it’s this void that is filled with the hedonistic and prideful meanings social and MMO games brings to the lives of so many players. It is the observation of the primary research that these games can fill this void and brings purpose, structure and meaning to the player. The player may feel they can achieve more in one night of WoW than in many years of toil, and it was found that many games meritocratic values and achievement systems are reasons why some social and MMO games are so appealing to the player.

The configurative effect WoW has on the player is not only profound in terms of time management but it is socially normal to spend time out of the game exploring game mechanics, dungeon strategies and upcoming updates, all of which shave become the social norm. In this way games can have a profound configurative effect on the gamer.