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A Blog by David Beck

Friday 11 March 2011

Rating my University course.

I would give LSBU and my course a 9/10 because all through the course my grades were slowly rising until I ended up with a 2:1. we had a lot of interesting people who came in and taught, we covered so much on a wide verity of subjects, mostly media theory, language, game theories, practical experience in various software and programming tools. I also like that I got to meet a variety of interesting people from all backgrounds taking all sorts of subjects, and we also bad cross course collaboration, like we would sometimes work with the Sonic media students supporting each other’s projects.

Although I loved my course and learned loads I do wonder if I should have taken a more programming orientated computer science course. I feel I have gained an awful lot of skills in valuable transferable subjects I wouldn't have if I had done a ‘nerdier’ course but there are more programming jobs out there.

I also feel other people went into the course with more of an idea of what they wanted to do and they then produced material which went straight into their profiles (material that employers want to see). Although I completed every task and gained a lot of knowledge in the process what I produced wasn't aimed at getting me a job, rather I let my creativity run supreme and made some good innovative stuff.

Again I'll say you get out what you out in, coming from a poor background, having faced family problems and having had legitimate troubles with my early schooling I feel through hard work and determination I have moved through and up on the education ladder. However with my recent spell of unemployment and because a lot of the people around me lack any aspirations, well, I have gotten slightly depressed now that I'm back home.

when I started work at Asda at 16 I pushed myself pretty hard, with a full time college course I was doing a 84 hour week (inc homework) and whilst I was working at Asda (which I hatred) I met quite a few people who has spent their life working in similar jobs, many had been at Asda for 20 years and they told me to get out, to get out whilst I could and try to make something of myself. Now after 2 GNVQ'S, 5 A levels and my degree I dread to contemplate going back. I know it’s selfish of me and I did have friends that work there quite happily but the workers warnings haunt me. I know how easy it is to slip into a routine and watch your life pass before your eyes.

I have thought about moving abroad for work. With Mervin King and the like saying that England will be facing years of increasing poverty and social unrest I just want to escape. The evil former government gave me a £24,000 debt to haunt me. I have never seen such extreme amounts of money. I HATE how they force everyone in the UK to have extreme debts, just for wanting an education or a house to live in. Debt is the most insidious form of slavery, because you can make people work for very little money whilst most of their pay cheque goes to a bank whilst houses in the UK get smaller and crappier and more expensive. We already have the smallest homes in Europe. Another slice of a person’s wage-slavery will go into a pension the worker will likely not get until there 120, and as the miserable Western empire falls as oil and natural resources decline we'll all just have to suffer more ill health and more deaths, whilst war over what is left intensifies like the aging roman empire.

well.... Ok... maybe it’s not all that bad but it feels pretty bad to me, as my family sinks deeper and deeper into debt. I need a job.

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