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A Blog by David Beck

Monday 8 March 2010

Someone once told me I never talk about myself. Maybe that's because I'm not real, not really. whilst at college a thought came to me and I'll talk you through that thought now. I learned that when friends, family and colleges were asked to describe one particular individual, they all said completely different unrelated things about them. For example a teacher may also be a mother, and will seem completely different to students and her children. However even the students all said unrelated ideas about the individual.

I also know that everyone behaves differently in different settings. Who you seem to be at a rave will be different to who you seem to be at a lecture or in a class. Its also true that people understand themselves by how other people react to them, their friends, their family, everyone.

People behave the way they do due to chemical and environmentally induced emotions. Very few people can really control themselves, for example you have little choice about feeling emotions in a film. Few people want to be fat yet the fact that they are suggests biology can win over intellect. We may not be shaped by ourselves but by the environment and our biology. A baby has no choice over its life, at what age do they gain that control? and even at that age who they are has already largely been defined, their beliefs, ideas and experiences.

And finally all the cells in your body will be replaced in a few weeks so we can't even stay the same biologically. You can't control the future of the past at this moment and you may be a different person in the future and make different choices, and the older you'll get the more you'll change. We may only have a few seconds control before we are someone else. who and what are we anyway?

How do you feel about this idea? Drop me an E-mail or leave a message on the page!

(I don't believe all of the above ideas anymore but thought they were interesting)

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