Thursday, 28 October 2010
28 Oct 2010
I just want any job really. I really want to put what I learned at uni to some use.
My dad would blame mass immigration for the fact there's 40 odd people for every job, but that's not the only factor. there's the recession and I do believe the future of the west may be plaged by energy crisis, impoverished food and water reserves, environmental disaster and massive inflation of everything to the point where only the rich could afford electricity in a 100 year or so. Were burning 100's of millions of barrels of oil a day and I don't believe technology will replace it. there's so much faith in society today, faith that money's worth something, faith in technology, faith in progress and it could all be misplaced. Our impoverished grand kids may be disappointed we didn't use our huge industrious powers for something more than entertainment and wars.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Hello. I'm sorry I have not posted for a while. I thought I would post a little something from my dissertation (that I will now have to largley delete)
Social commentators have remarked that democracy has given us all it can, and with increasing reported cases of depression and anxiety, and as the great works of philosophy and the unknown are replaced by reductionist empirical science the meanings of life seems less attainable than ever before, and it’s this void that is filled with the hedonistic and prideful meanings social and MMO games brings to the lives of so many players. It is the observation of the primary research that these games can fill this void and brings purpose, structure and meaning to the player. The player may feel they can achieve more in one night of WoW than in many years of toil, and it was found that many games meritocratic values and achievement systems are reasons why some social and MMO games are so appealing to the player.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
salmon and the soul
Hello. I sit here eating a tin of salmon. I doubt anyone will read this ever, I'm just another lonely soul sending my words in a bottle into a vast digital sea, I just wrote some e-mails to the university's financial departments, they sound pretty pathetic yet they are true and I doubt the people can help me anyhow.
So lonely and feel like nobody cares. I should be working on my dissertation and all, should not be here, typing this.
I'm sure I'll never amount to anything or do anything of note worthiness like most people. I'll just die sooner of later, nothing really matters in the end. I think people seek entertainment to take their minds off their own inevitable end, better to watch TV and not think than to be honest with yourself. I wonder if other mammals feel like me or if this is more of a human thing. Animals know what death is, but I wonder if they know it will happen to them. Why are we here on this planet in this world? It’s all so strange, we really don't know anything about the world that matters for sure, we can only guess. We can shape the universe through our own understanding of it;
Oh well, I should go work...
Sunday, 28 March 2010
cueing at a paper desk . . .
Poster: 'Dwarf Shortage'
Fresh Coffee addict
Buzzing throughout the day time . . .
Lonley winter nights.
Summer heat, clear blue skies
Green trees, Heat wave on the news . . .
Turn up the Aircon!
Water running fast,
over my paws, use some soap
Hot air, Full of Bugs!
Leonard Cohen sings
'like a sleepy morning storm'
beauty before age.
The mouth bites at it,
Juicy, Crunch, green and ripe
Nature's providence
I lift to my lips,
Mans holder of succulence
Ouch! My hand is burnt!
Sitting in a jam
My metalic throne of hate
I scream through my horn!
The moonlight refracts,
on the people in the night
snow burried secrets.
Friday, 26 March 2010
I'm getting 90 megs connection speed today (In the UK). So, I think I could download about 4500 'Images' in 10 seconds XD, still, The day was good! I handed in a form and got some tasty foods. I brought a hair brush for my hair. Its amazing! 45P
I'm also applying for Dare to be Digital, I really hope we get in, we have the skills and the teams great! we have so many skills and some extremely creative people! hehe I have also been working on my game Spawn!!!! its amazing! :D I love it!!
Ohhhh man can't wait till its done, Less than a month now! Its just getting better and better, Or like the Japanese say, Kai Zen!
anyhow, sorry for my extremely informal language style. I love typing what I'm thinking without worrying about all the rules you must use in a dissertation!! Its freeing to say what I want to.
I also added robotic yoghurt to my milk and its all tasty now!! did you know full fat milk has Less sugar? How odd!
I'm playing Animal collective right now, but earlier I was jamming with Eminem, Dre and Oboe Trice!! Love those Rappers, Eminem is funny man!
with all that milk and the cheese I ate I'm going to have some weird dreams tonight! The song just said "He'll only be your friend if he touches your breast", do you think women like that? they seem so prudish normally. ahh well, Not really sexual animals unless its for a baby.
still, Ohhh man, I'm so messed in the head right now, pretty happy, I'm just making words with my hands like sign language. did you know I can type with my eyes shut, See? :D (That’s when you know you use a PC too much). My mate uses a Mac, crazy. Its so communist, High quality services and a friendly mother program. Windows is totally capitalist because you use Loads of competing programs, like free markets. Windows is by default Craptastic! But it runs lots of shit.
Black man saying "I wana give you my name", do you think he thinks it will get him a woman to love him??
Monday, 8 March 2010
I also know that everyone behaves differently in different settings. Who you seem to be at a rave will be different to who you seem to be at a lecture or in a class. Its also true that people understand themselves by how other people react to them, their friends, their family, everyone.
People behave the way they do due to chemical and environmentally induced emotions. Very few people can really control themselves, for example you have little choice about feeling emotions in a film. Few people want to be fat yet the fact that they are suggests biology can win over intellect. We may not be shaped by ourselves but by the environment and our biology. A baby has no choice over its life, at what age do they gain that control? and even at that age who they are has already largely been defined, their beliefs, ideas and experiences.
And finally all the cells in your body will be replaced in a few weeks so we can't even stay the same biologically. You can't control the future of the past at this moment and you may be a different person in the future and make different choices, and the older you'll get the more you'll change. We may only have a few seconds control before we are someone else. who and what are we anyway?
How do you feel about this idea? Drop me an E-mail or leave a message on the page!
(I don't believe all of the above ideas anymore but thought they were interesting)
wow! My website just started working?
I'm sure you don't care but I've been eating only raw low energy food for a few days. I also phoned my parents and they seem to be alright. I really need to find a good job that pays money. I like working hard and doing a really good job, but I also wanna do a job where I can use what I know and I want to make a Ton of money for my lovely employer and hopefully get paid well for doing it!
I have also added some extra Facebook features to my blog just so its easier to talk to me if you want to. I should add my e-mail is: 'Wartorious @'
well I have not done much on my dissertation however I really want to and need to. Its got to be done by 6 weeks time and I want it to be Blow your mind Amazing!

My 'Music of the day' has been Animal Collective, Their slightley cool crasy origanal tunes have kept me going! Check them out on Spotify
Ohhh tomorow I'm also going to the Final Fantasy Launch Event to meet my mate at the HMV store in Oxford Street when it starts around 5:30pm.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Game Plan

Hello. This is the level plan for my new upcoming game Spawn!
Introduction film: any fun sounds for the characters talking would be great, any sad sounds/music for the first few seconds. Basically the frogs brothers and sisters are kidnapped by the SlugKing Plato who wants to form an army.
1. First level, the one you have seen, its near the sea, any birds/waves/winds/anything.
BOSS: The Rancid Rat. - sounds, squeak!
- Feet patter Patter.....
2. The cave level, You pass through a dark drippy cave, again any wind sounds or rocky/drippy sounds would be cool, anything you think would be in a cave.
Bats: Was thinking of having bat enemy’s here, so, any kind of squeal or bat noise would be fun.
BOSS: The Mighty Mole!. - sounds, Eek!
- The floor rumbles as the Mole pops up!
3. The forest level, Lots of pretty trees, nice sunset in the background, The sound of trees rustling or anything would be nice. It would be nice to make it feel like a warm sunset over a hay field.
Birds: Some enemy birds would be neat, so any sound would be cool.
BOSS: The Terrible Tree. - sounds, Creek!
- The tree throws Acorns at the frog
4. Water level. Refreshing, green and crisp, Lots of waterfalls and aquatic plants, Waterfall in the background, bubbles.
Super Slugs: squish noise would be great :)
BOSS: Plato, The Ultimate SlugKing - He could make some kina squelchy slimy sounds.
so, any ideas would be great! Thanks so much! do as much or as little as you like.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
It is said you should not post personal information about yourself. I agree only to the extent that information may be used against you. But as long as you’re conscious of your actions surely it must be all right?
Anyhow; I'm 22; I'm a Student in London. I'm pretty bored most of the time here really, and right now I'm a ‘lil home sick. I lost my phone so I can't phone anyone and I'm taking a little break from working, possibly foolishly.
I have lost trust in things like personal websites. |All my old website are being destroyed, even one I paid for. So I'm using this now.
I'm working on a game called Spawn and writing my dissertation called:
‘To what extent can the unwritten rules of social and massively multiplayer online games configure the gamer?’
Most people post what they love. I've been posting things I have created in the past it seems. Most of the video's and images are 3+ years old.
I have a lot of dreams for the future and hope I can make some come true.
Also. If you’re bored have a look at this:
Saturday, 27 February 2010
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Thursday, 25 February 2010

Anyhow after going back to the PC through bordom I thought "Blogger is a Big website and probably won't fail for a while". I'm called David and this is my story. I will be using this for uni and for my stuff too. :)